Work of the Month, March 2018

March's work of the month is titled 'Daffodils II', 1992, Oil on Canvas. Peter would on occasion feel the need to paint something 'nice, simple & joyful' and this would often take the form of flowers. However, he complained that they were always dead before he had finished the paintings. Daffodils also became the subject matter of a family drawing lesson one Easter. Owein, the eldest was 14 at the time, the youngest, Daisy just 8. He approached this session like he might one of his life drawing classes on the Art foundation course. Unfortunately, his four offspring didn't respond quite as seriously to his demands of 'Keep looking! You're not looking! You've got to keep looking!' as his enthusiastic art college students. As we remember, he marched off muttering words that cannot be repeated.

Work of the Month, March 2018

Updated: 28/02/18